Equipment ID: BR26-204

54" Single Smooth Drum Ride-On Vibratory Roller Compactor

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Equipment ID: BR26-204

54" Single Smooth Drum Ride-On Vibratory Roller Compactor

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Equipment Overview

The 54 inch single smooth drum ride-on roller is an essential tool for asphalt construction jobs, specifically parking lot or road laying projects. Its smooth front wheel is designed to lay a flush finish on layers of asphalt, soil, or gravel. The smooth single drum ride-on roller is also commonly used to lay a smooth foundation for concrete paths, like driveways or sidewalks, and has good traction with its back wheels for uphill jobs.
  • - 54 inch smooth single drum for compaction
  • - Smooth single drum for compacting soil, gravel, and asphalt
  • - Ideal for road construction crews

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