With ongoing new inventions in technology and an increasing reliance on computers in every type of business, the need for IT services is only going to grow. With every new innovation comes the need to install, service, and maintain it.
As an IT company, one way to keep up with the expected demand and remain profitable is to outsource your rental logistics to free up your time. By letting us handle your equipment rental requests, you can focus your energy and resources on providing the best service to your customers. For example, if your next project involves rewiring cables in the ceiling, you can rent a scissor lift of any size. If you need to reach even higher, you can rent a boom lift. Rather than spending lots of time calling around to multiple suppliers, you can place one order with us, and because of our nationwide network, we can ensure you’ll get the equipment you need.
Growth of IT
In 2018, the information technology (IT) services industry shows no signs of slowing down. The IT sector should grow by 5 percent this year, according to CompTIA, a non-profit organization considered one of the leading authorities in the IT services industry. Strong consumer demand and the uptake of new technology products and professional services will help fuel this growth, which could be as high as 7 percent if all goes well. Global market intelligence firm IDC adds that IT spending around the world should top $4.8 trillion this year. Approximately $1.5 trillion of this global spend should come from the United States.
It’s unsurprising that IT continues to hold such an important place in the United States, where virtually all businesses in every industry rely on computers, software, and the internet. These businesses need help operating and troubleshooting their software, technology hardware, and equipment. They find this support through in-house teams of IT professionals or by employing external IT companies staffed by people who are knowledgeable about computer and tech-related issues and able to share their skills with others. Their assistance helps professionals across a range of sectors stay productive when facing tech challenges.
With IT professionals playing such an important support role for all industries, it’s not unexpected that the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts demand for computer and IT workers to grow by 13 percent between 2016 and 2026. That’s faster than the average growth for other employment opportunities.
Service providers in the IT Services industry offer businesses a range of managed services, including:
- Hardware and software optimization
- Technology distribution
- Cloud transition and backup
- Video conferencing solutions
- Troubleshooting
- Data recovery
- Network and email security
Renting Construction Equipment
IT firms don’t have the regular need for construction equipment that construction companies do, so renting is often a smarter solution. These are just some of the reasons why IT firms benefit from using rental equipment for their data, cabling, and wiring maintenance:
- Cost effective: Renting doesn’t attract the large up-front costs of buying new equipment. It can be especially effective over the long-term for businesses like IT firms who only use their construction equipment now and again.
- Access to the latest tools and equipment: The IT industry is all about innovation. Renting construction equipment provides easy access to cutting-edge products that help IT businesses work more effectively and efficiently. Without renting, IT firms could only access this equipment by purchasing it brand new. Regularly updating equipment is a costly practice, as old goods depreciate and can never be sold at their original price.
- Less maintenance and repairs: IT professionals already spend enough time maintaining and repairing tech systems. They don’t need to add construction equipment maintenance and repairs to the mix. When IT businesses rent their equipment, their rental company takes charge of these tasks, freeing up time for more important IT matters.
- Greater flexibility: Companies that purchase their own equipment are stuck with it until they sell it, usually at a significant loss due to depreciation. Renting gives businesses greater flexibility, allowing them to have equipment when they want it and cease renting it when it’s not required. This is ideal for IT businesses that offer a variety of services, including many that do not require equipment.
With so many immediate and long-term benefits, it’s easy to understand why so many IT business rent their construction equipment instead of buying brand new.
Commonly Used Construction Equipment in This Sector
IT businesses use a variety of different equipment to construct their cabling, wiring, and IT and data centers. Take a closer look at some of the most commonly used equipment in the IT sector and its IT applications.
- Boom lifts and scissor lifts: Boom lifts and scissor lifts help IT service workers access high places. This construction equipment is essential for running data cables on multi-story buildings.
- Trenchers: Trenchers help IT workers dig the path for cables to connect the IT networks of two or more buildings together. They can also connect main IT systems to outside equipment, like external security systems.
- Punch-down tools: These handheld tools trim and contain telecommunication cables in a basic jack. While simple punch-down tools will get the job done, modern battery-powered punch-down tools are faster and more efficient. They’re the most popular choice for IT workers who frequently terminate wires.
- Impact tools: These handheld tools, a kind of punch-down tool, can seat the conductor more efficiently and effectively than an IT worker using his own strength. They have spring-loaded heads, which transfer force to the head once the spring is fully compressed. Most impact tools have interchangeable blades, with different attachments designed for different cabling systems.
- Cable strippers: These handheld tools help IT workers strip cables before installation quickly and easily. The best cable strippers have adjustable depth gauges which help users determine the right amount of cable sheath for stripping. This minimizes the risk of cable damage.
- Voltage detectors: These handheld tools help IT workers check whether there is live voltage on the AC circuits, outlets, and switches they’re working on. They glow or beep when they detect live voltage through insulation or on exposed conducting components. They are essential for safe cable and wire installation.
- Generators: This equipment provides a backup power supply. If there’s a power outage, a generator keeps a data center operating correctly, without data loss.
- Fans and other cooling devices: IT systems can generate a lot of heat. However, if they get too hot, they can seize up and cease operating, either temporarily or permanently. This can cause data loss, which may be irreparable. Fans and other cooling devices can offset this heat, ensuring data and backup centers continue operating as they should.
As the IT sector experiences dramatic growth, it’s important for your business to have what it needs to keep pace. However, purchasing all the equipment required for IT services, keeping it up to date, and maintaining and repairing it as required can be time- and cost-intensive. BigRentz provides a better way. With more than 8,500 locations across the United States, we’re always on hand to meet your rental needs with a comprehensive range of IT tools.