185 cfm, Air Compressor

Equipment ID: 55-185

185 CFM Towable Air Compressor, Diesel Powered

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day $136
week $371
month $935

Equipment Overview

185 CFM diesel powered air compressors are ideal for jobs in remote places that don’t have an accessible power source. By converting diesel fuel into high pressured air, they can be used for many applications, like providing high pressure air to blasting pots or high-pressure air tanks, or powering heavy-duty pneumatic tools like jackhammers. The portable, lighter 185 CFM units can be mounted on a trailer and are suitable for industrial uses ideal for construction workers, painters, or anyone who needs to power several air tools simultaneously.
  • - Trailer mounted and easy to transport
  • - Diesel powered for remote jobs
  • - Great for heavy-duty applications or professional grade jobs

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equipment id: 55-185

185 CFM Towable Air Compressor, Diesel Powered

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