Equipment ID: BR26-290

84" Single Padfoot Drum Ride-On Vibratory Roller Compactor

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Equipment ID: BR26-290

84" Single Padfoot Drum Ride-On Vibratory Roller Compactor

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Equipment Overview

The 84 inch single padfoot drum ride-on roller is used for soil compaction tasks. The machine’s padfoot drum, or tamper foot, has tapered pads that penetrate the soil, compacting it and making it stronger. Because the padfoot ride-on roller is used to create earthen foundations for roads, it’s ideal for many types of soils, like loam or silt. This roller is required to build safe and navigable roads.
  • - Compacts gravel and soil
  • - Back wheels provide steady traction
  • - 84 inch padfoot drum for compaction tasks

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