25,000 lbs, Pneumatic Tire, Warehouse Forklift

Equipment ID: 11-225

25,000 lb. Warehouse Forklift, Pneumatic Tires

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Equipment Overview

The 25,000 lb pneumatic tire warehouse forklift is used for stacking and carrying extremely heavy materials. Equipped with pneumatic tires offering great traction, the warehouse forklift can tread bumpy terrain with uneven surfaces, making it a sought-after tool for long-term outdoor and indoor projects. Capable of handling up to 25,000 lbs, the warehouse forklift is typically used to either relocate, unload, stack, or load heavy palletized units. Because its pneumatic tires require a large turning radius, the warehouse forklift is best for spacious outdoor areas.
  • - 25,000 lifting capacity
  • - Pneumatic tires provide stability  
  • - Great for industrial, construction, and warehouse uses

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equipment id: 11-225

25,000 lb. Warehouse Forklift, Pneumatic Tires

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